Fire Risk Assessment
What is a Fire Risk Assessment?
A fire risk assessment evaluates your premises in terms of fire safety hazards to people and property. An assessor visits your premises, makes a physical inspection and provides you with a clear and concise report. This report will detail a prioritized action plan on how to minimize identified risks. The Fire Risk Assesment time may vary on the size of the premises .
What Will Happen if you Don’t Have a Fire Risk Assessment?
Your business has to have a fire risk assessment by law; the penalty for not having one is severe which can lead to a large fine or even imprsionment and you’d also be putting everyone in your business at risk. If that isn’t enough it is very doubtful that your insurance would pay out in the event of a fire. The consequences of that inevitable error are unthinkable.
Whatever you do, don't just do nothing.
The Fire Safety Order (2005) places the responsibility for fire safety on the employer or ‘responsible person’ for the building or premises.